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Tecnam to produce General Aviation aeroplanes in China
Tecnam, the Italian General Aviation manufacturer announced today an exclusive agreement with LUSY, Liaoning United Aviation, Shenyan Aircraft Co., Ltd, to produce three Tecnam aeroplane models in China.

LUSY’s Faqu Airport based production facility will manufacturer three Tecnam models exclusive for China based customers. The Tecnam 2006T Twin, the two-seater 2008JC and the four-seater Tecnam P2010.

The ever-growing demand for air transportation in China, is resulting in the demand for over 500,000 commercial pilots to be trained over the next few decades.

This cooperation between Tecnam and LUSY is primarily in place to support the need to develop and train a new generation of skilled pilots exclusively for China.

LUSY, new production facility will commence to manufacture, sell and service Tecnam aeroplanes immediately, servicing the needs of not only China based customers but also supporting the needs of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, based operators too.

The first aircraft on LUSY production line will be the Tecnam P2006T. This best-selling twin is already fully certified and validated by the China’s Civil Aviation authority.

It is the lightest GA twin-engined aeroplane with four seats, retracting gear and powered by two Rotax engines capable to running with common automotive gas. This aircraft, equipped with Garmin 950, is the “smartest” aircraft for flight schools offering “complex” training, but also available for private use, passengers, aerial works, ,surveillance, maritime patrol and also agricultural with the Special Mission varient.

Tecnam is running CAAC’s certification process on Tecnam’s single engine two seat P2008JC CS/VLA and single engine four seat P2010 CS/23 fully certified by EASA. Production in China of these models will follow the validation.

Mr. Paolo Pascale, TECNAM Managing Director expresses his satisfaction: “TECNAM prides itself on the quality, reliability and affordability of its extensive range of GA aircraft. Our co-operation with LUSY will ensure our China based customers will also benefit from our very high standards of service and support. We expect to see hundreds of Tecnam aeroplanes roll off the LUSY production facility over the next few years”.

LUSY Managing Director Mr. Liu Xiaofeng says “We are honoured to be able to cooperate with TECNAM as we move forward to support the needs of China burgeoning Flight Training needs.”