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EASA certifies ‘night VFR operation’ for Tecnam P2002 analogue cockpit aeroplanes
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) today issued Major Change Approval number 10034907, certifies ‘night VFR operation’’ for use in analogue versions of both Tecnam P2002JF and Tecnam P2002JR aeroplanes.

This major change approval follows on from EASA’s recent approval of the ‘VFR night package’ for Garmin 500 (G500) equipped Tecnam P2002JFs too.

‘’EASA’s certification allowing night VFR flight in both analogue and glass cockpit versions of the Tecnam P2002JF and Tecnam P2002JR models, is part of our continuing drive to offer Tecnam customers and operators even more options that help ensure safe and smooth flying” said Paolo Pascale, Tecnam’s Managing Director ‘’ The Tecnam P2002JF is one of Europe’s most popular single engine aeroplanes with over 200 delivered to customers in 2010 alone. For my Tecnam team, designing and building aeroplanes isn’t just a job, it’s an extension of our passion for flying.’’

The Tecnam P2002JF and P2002JR are two seat low wing aeroplanes that offer superlative performance. Tecnam’s history of innovative design and Italian styling, coupled with its association with Rotax Engines has resulted in aeroplanes of unbeatable value making them the fastest selling EASA CS-VLA certified aeroplanes in the sky!